October “Creatures of the Night” Preschool Hike - Friday, October 8, 1:30-3pm at the Meadow in Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
Learn about some of the interesting "Creatures of the Night" that live in nature around us as we take a 1-mile nature walk through some woods and meadows. We will see if we can discover any signs of nocturnal animals during the day and hope to have a live animal visit our program (to be confirmed)!
This program is designed for ages 3-5, but all ages are welcome. Sturdy shoes suggested. Steady rain and other inclement weather cancels.
We will meet in the Meadow parking lot at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. The park entrance is located off Route 121 just south of Route 35. There will NOT be any entrance fee to the park. Once you pass the entrance, drive straight on Reservation Rd. for about a quarter-mile, past Michigan Road. You will go up a hill, passing the meadow on the left. The parking lot entrance will be on the left past the meadow.
NEW COVID RULES: Carry masks for times when maintaining physical distance is difficult.
Advanced registration is appreciated at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/october-2021-preschool-hike-tickets-179055619177