Let’s celebrate the arrival of summer with a hike and playground session at Lewisboro Town Park!
We will lead a short hike along the trail behind the town park (that connects with Ward Pound Ridge Reservation) and end at the playground for a summer kick-off party. Refreshments will be served.
Our monthly preschool hikes are designed to provide opportunities to learn about nature and socialize in a loosely-structured environment. The recommended age is 3-5 years, but all ages are welcome. Sturdy shoes, water, hats, and bug spray are recommended.
Register is appreciated but not required at the link below: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/preschool-summer-kick-off-hike-tickets-346167384967
Lewisboro Town Park is located at 1079 Route 35 in South Salem. We will meet at the first parking lot on the left by the basketball fields. There will also be signs indicating where to find us. FYI: The town pool will open right afterwards at 3:30pm, so you have the option to head there to cool off!