Want to hike something a little more challenging? Come hike the Blue Trail in Ward Pound Ridge Reservation with Bonnie Robins, LLT board co-chair emeritus and certified Appalachian Mountain Club hike leader. The hike will start along Cross River before heading through hardwood forest, some wetlands, and up a short rock scramble (perfect for beginner scramblers). After a short break at the mountain laurel ridge, we will explore a side trail to Pell Hill. A “bring your own picnic lunch” will follow the hike, for those who would like to stay. Recommended gear includes long pants, sturdy shoes, a hat, bug spray, and a water bottle. Friendly dogs on leash are welcome. Steady rain and/or other inclement weather cancels. A small park entry fee applies.
Advance registration is appreciated so we can communicate any updates or changes to you.
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation is located at Reservation Rd., Pound Ridge, NY 10576. The entrance is off of Route 121/Old Post Rd., just south of Route 35. After passing the gatehouse, keep driving straight about 2 miles (past the meadow and Trailside Nature Museum) until you reach Kimberly Bridge parking lot. Please plan for extra time to drive through the preserve to arrive on time.