William K. Love Preserve
W South, 11 Salem Hill Rd, South Salem, NY 10590
Love Preserve comprises wooded uplands, wetlands with stream outlets and rock outcrops. The topography slopes gently down to a red maple swamp. Seeps are found along the southern part of the preserve. The uplands on the east and west are steep-sloped with rock, oak and maple trees. A dense understory of mountain laurel supports a range of forest-interior birds. The outer portions of the wetlands are dominated by spicebush. The preserve is accessed from West Road. There is a short trail that runs north from the road. There is also access from Oakridge for residents. Westchester Land Trust obtained the preserve in 2000 when it was donated by William Love.
Extensive hummocky wetlands, thick stand of mountain laurel, rock outcroppings and hardwood forest.
The preserve is located on West Road, .2 mi. from Route 123. The preserve is on the right. Park on road.
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