Celebrate the arrival of Spring with a short toddler walk along Cross River. We will discover a beautiful covered bridge, visit a river beach, and end at a playground. If time permits, little ones can plant seeds to take home and watch grow. This program is designed for ages 1-3 and will follow their pace, but all ages are welcome. Sturdy, MUD RESISTANT shoes and WASHABLE CLOTHES OR WET GEAR are suggested. Also, water shoes for the river and a change of clothes for after are recommended. Steady rain and/or other inclement weather cancels.
Advance registration at the link below is appreciated so we can communicate any updates or changes to you.
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation is located at Reservation Rd., Pound Ridge, NY 10576. The entrance is off of Route 121/Old Post Rd. just south of Route 35. After passing the gatehouse, keep driving straight about 1/2 mile where you will turn left into the Meadow Parking lot. A sign will be placed at the parking lot turn.