Thursday, November 11, 7:00-8:45pm - Premier showing of “Uninvited,” a film on the spread and management of invasive species of plants and insects, at Lewisboro Library. Co-sponsored with Lewisboro Garden Club and Lewisboro Library. Registration requested:
The introduction, spread, and management of invasive species is heavily influenced by the actions of citizens who live, work, and recreate on NY's public and private lands and waterways. Education and outreach about invasive species increases awareness and knowledge, which are necessary precursors to behavior changes that could reduce risks throughout the State.
“Uninvited: The Spread of Invasive Species” is an engaging one-hour documentary which focuses on invasive species and highlights those that are threatening our environment and economy, while also showing innovative ways of combating these threats through the NYS Department of Conservation’s collaborative work with its partners.
The showing of the film will be followed by a generous Q&A with Brent Boscarino, PhD, Coordinator, Lower Hudson Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management.
Due to Covid precautions, space will be limited to allow for social distancing and participants are required to wear masks. The event is free. Register at