Brownell Preserve
4 Harriet Ln, Goldens Bridge, NY 10526
Brownell Preserve, owned by the Town of Lewisboro, was left to the town in 1984 in the wills of Katharine and George Brownell. George Brownell, a prominent attorney in New York City, served as a diplomatic envoy to India and Mexico under President Harry Truman. The Brownells lived on Nash Road and were intent on preserving a portion of Lewisboro for wildlife habitat and passive recreation.
In 1997, Scouts Danny Petre and Terry McNicholas cleared and marked the trails. The preserve is 118 acres of heavily forested, hilly, wilderness terrain and follows a stream along the northern boundary. The Crown Maple Company hosts a modern maple-
sugaring operation on the property. In 2015-16, Lewisboro Land Trust restored the trails and built water crossings. The Town added an accessible parking lot at the end of Harriet Lane.
Typical second-growth hardwood forest, views to the west from southern loop overlook, wood turtles seen here.
There is a parking area and trailhead at the end of Harriet Lane, off Route 138. There are plans to add access from the West in the future.
More information can be found in our Online Field Guide.
Brownell Preserve. Photo by Jim Nordgren.
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